Stewarding Faith through Disappointment (Luke 7)

Earlier this month, we hosted a series of prophetic conferences at Oxford Community Church, with guest speakers Ben and Heather Armstrong and Paul Manwaring, from Bethel Church, Redding California. These events were SO much fun – packed with great teaching that lay a strong foundation for growing in the prophetic and developing a culture where we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

I had the privilege of teaching a session on the Monday afternoon, in which I looked at how we can steward our faith through disappointment, drawn from the example of John the Baptist in Luke 7. The recording is here:

All the other talks from the events are also available on the School of the Spirit YouTube channel. Do check them out. Some particular highlights for me include the sessions on leading from a strong identity, and stewarding prophetic words.

Oh, and while I’m talking about School of the Spirit – our next course kicks off in October! If you want to find out more, check out the promo video below, visit or follow us on Instagram

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