Jesus the Healer (Matthew 8)

On Sunday I had the privilege of speaking at Christ Church Manchester’s CCM Day, where they gathered all their services together for a joint celebration. It was so much fun. We sang in English and Spanish, ate a lot of cake, and I got to speak on the subject of healing, and pray for people….

A change of heart for James the Just

I wrote yesterday about the lure of celebrity, and Jesus’ response to his brothers’ advice that:  ‘No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.’ (John 7.4) Not only was the brothers’ advice worldly and built on unhealthy motives; it was…

Tempted in every way: Jesus and the lure of celebrity.

‘Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples there may see the works you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”’ (John 7.3–4) I’ve read this chapter of John countless times,…

How to Interpret the Bible

On Saturday I had the privilege of kicking off the new year at Manchester School of Theology. I’ve taught here many times over the years, but this was by far the biggest cohort I’ve seen, and it was so much fun helping them dig into the Bible, wrestling with a few of their questions, and…

Premature eulogies and spineless tributes

There has been a recent flurry of eulogies commemorating the passing of… well, various things, including the church, Christianity, and God himself. A survey by The Times claims that three quarters of Church of England priests think Britain is no longer a Christian country, and many believe the church is on the verge of extinction….

Nine(ish) holiday reads

I’ve just returned from a wonderful holiday in France with the family, and am reintegrating into normal life, and looking ahead to a busy term! One of the highlights about the holiday was an upgrade in our accommodation, which gave us a nicer-than-expected outside seating area, perfect for long afternoons and evenings reading (accompanied by…

Sentienced to Death (A Short Story)

I woke up yesterday in a state of panic. Complete disorientation. You know the feeling, I’m sure. Nothing made sense. Couldn’t tell where I was. Who I was, even. What day it was. It was like awakening from a drunken stupor, with an almighty hangover. So I’m told. Gradually I took in my surroundings and…

Stanley and the Sacraments

My first read of 2023 was Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci. I received it for Christmas and devoured it greedily. It’s a lovely, heart-warming memoir about life, food, memory and family. Whether or not you’re particularly a fan of Stanley Tucci, or knowledgeable about Italian food and culture, it’s just a delight…

The Lord’s Supper (Luke 22.7–20)

What is your most vivid food memory? What is the taste or aroma that you experience and it’s like “ah, that takes me back…” Food has an amazing ability to transport us across lands and through time, evoking memories that take us back to a particular place; a holiday; specific meal; a moment in time….

Slow Mercy

What if what feels like the slowness of God is actually his mercy? What if what feels like the unnecessarily long route is actually him protecting us from battles we are not yet ready to fight? Here’s a short reflection on Exodus 13 If you’re not familiar with Jubilee + I’d highly recommend checking them…